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Frantoio Veronesi Frantoio Veronesi Frantoio Veronesi
€ 15,90


Body Wash Delicate Face, Hand and Body Wash - With rice and aloe extract

The sweetest and most practical way to cleanse every part of the body with a single gesture and find the right well-being. Gentle cleanser for face, body and hands formulated with mild surfactants and organic extracts of rice and aloe. Ideal to use for both the shower and the bath, itleaves the skin fresh, soft and delicately scented. shown for daily use and for the whole family, from 0 to 99 years. ORGANIC CERTIFIED PRODUCT, without silicones, without PEG, EDTA and GMO, DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED, NICKEL TESTED and VEGAN OK. PERCENTAGE OF NATURALITY OF INGREDIENTS: Organic on total 19,6% Natural origin out of total 99,6%

Code: 30743
Package: 250 ml
Cod. Supp: BWL250
Availability: Available in stock
Delivery: 14 days
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